Ethiopian Biosafety Clearing-House

Ethiopia is signatory for Cartagena Biosafety protocol. In this connection, so as to foster the use, applications and safe transfers of biotechnology products, Ethiopia has adopted a favorable biosafety proclamation, with proclamation No 896 in 2015. This is a revised biosafety proclamation. Ethiopia has revised the previous proclamation to enhance access the products of modern biotechnology so as to increase its role in agricultural productivity and supply of raw materials for our growing industries.

To support the implementation of the proclamation, Environment, Forest and Climate Change Commission has endorsed five directives. The directives have been officially signed and publicized for all partners and stakeholders. In addition, the Commission has established National Biosafety Advisory committee members nominated which concerned Federal institutions with the role to advise the commission and the government on biosafety related issues.

Functions of the Directorate

  • Create awareness and provide training on Biosafety issues.

  • Using the amended Biosafety proclamation and directives issued by the commission, facilitate conditions for special permit for both contained research and confined field trial. So far Ethiopian Agricultural Research Institute is applicant for the both confined and contained laboratory research related to genetically modified organisms.

  • Facilitate the activities of the Biosafety Advisory Committee on safety issues and strengthen their capacity through communicating regional and international organization dealing with Biosafety and Biotechnology.

  • Follow up both confined and contained experiment to ensure that the experiments are undertaken as per the protocol submitted by the applicant. Hence works towards avoiding or minimizing risks associated with the transaction of GMOs on human, animal, Biodiversity and the environment at large.

  • Develop and implement a risk management plan

  • Monitor and control the movement, distribution, transport and positioning of genetically modified organisms

Profile information and Status of Biosafety Regulation in Ethiopia

  • 1993
    CBD convention
  • 2000
    Signed Cartagena protocol on Biosafety
  • 2003
    Ratified Cartagena protocol on Biosafety
  • 2009
    Issued Biosafety law
  • 2015
    Amended its Biosafety Proclamation
  • 2017
    National Biosafety Advisory Committee Regulation
  • 2018
    Five Biosafety Directives
  • 2019
    -> Directives to issued to Establish IBC -> TOR to establish national biosafety Adv. Committee -> Public awareness guidelines

Bio-safety National workshop held at Hawassa Central Hotel.

Biosafety and Invasive  Alien Species Directorate under Environment, Forest and Climate change commission has organized awareness creation  on the current status of biosafety development and its implementation status with the financial support from biosafety project entitled ‘’Implementation of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety through Effective Implementation of National Biosafety Framework of  ETHIOPIA’’

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